Matco Maxx

Matco Maxx
  • Brand Name:Matco Maxx
  • Technical Name:Métalaxyl 35% WS
  • Download Resources

    Label   Leaflet

  • Special Features

    • Specialty fungicide to control Foliar as well as Soil borne diseases by Oomycetes Fungi causing Downy mildew, Late blight, Damping off & Phytophthora rots.
    • Product with best known Kick back action with best suitability for alteration of sprays.
  • Mode of Action

    It acts by translocating to growing parts of the plants and protect them from susceptible diseases.

  • Available SKU

    100 G, 250 G,500 G

  • Warranty

    Since the use of the product is beyond our control, we do not assume any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product.

  • Label Claim Recommendation

    Crop Pest Formulation (gm/Ha) Water L/Ha
    Sorghum Downy Mildew 600 g/100 kg of seed .75-1 lt/100 kg seed
    Maize Maize Downy Mildew,
    Sugarcane Downy Mildew
    700 g/100 kg of seed .75-1 lt/100 kg seed
    Bajra Downy Mildew 600 g/100 kg of seed .75-1 lt/100 kg seed
    Mustard White Rust 600 g/100 kg of seed .75-1 lt/100 kg seed
    Sunflower Downy Mildew 600 g/100 kg of seed .75-1 lt/100 kg seed